A comprehensive and detailed guide to SEO

A comprehensive and detailed guide to SEO

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A comprehensive and detailed guide to SEO

SEO: It means every change you make on your site or outside of your site, first to improve the satisfaction of your visitors, and secondly to improve the experience of search engines in crawling and indexing your site and understanding it well. This is to get a better ranking in the search results.

This includes designing your site, programming it, and carefully selecting everything text on this site. Attention and dedication to satisfy the potential visitor. And continuous improvement in all elements of your site, and solving the problems in it, if any, in order to be compatible with the way search engines operate (which mainly focus on user satisfaction).

In other words and more simply, SEO means that you make every possible improvement and change in your site, so that it is friendly to search engines, and at the same time satisfactory and useful to your potential visitors.

It is worth noting that customization in search engines is both a science and an art. It is a science based on the basics, facts and statistics about how engines work, and about how to please the visitor. It is an art based on creative thinking and innovation, and often trying to find solutions outside the box.

Why should you optimize your site for search engines

The next visitor to your site through search engines, is the most valuable visitor. It is known that visitors to search engines are the most targeted visitors and generate profits in the world of marketing through the Internet .

In fact, there is no way to get good free visitors from search engines, except through SEO. By which your site is compatible with the requirements of the search engines, on the basis of which the search results are arranged in every search.

One of the great advantages for visitors to search engines is that it is free. Once your site issues search results for one of the good keywords, you open a new door to the flow of visitors to your site, without any additional cost. Yes, you have to make an effort to reach that, but trust the results and it is worth any effort you will.

Why should you learn SEO

Based on my experience, I believe that knowledge and experience in the field of configuration in search engines, is an essential component of every electronic marketer. At least understanding the basics is a very important thing for anyone interested in digital marketing.

The great thing is that this SEO guide, will give you a good understanding of the basics of SEO. But beyond that, this guide will give you sufficient knowledge and understanding to reach the first page, and even the first result in the search results.

Who Should Learn SEO? For whom is this evidence

Every web site owner

Learn SEO in order to get the best results from your website content, SEO is the best way to get visitors to your site's content. If you prefer to hire someone or a company to optimize your site for search engines, this also requires you to at least understand the basics. This is if you want to get a better service from SEO service providers, or you want to do small tasks yourself to avoid more costs.

All website designers and developers

The SEO process starts from where the website design and programming process begins. A professional web designer is the designer who is able to design a website that takes into account the requirements of search engines, while also taking into account the visitor's experience. Any designer is familiar with the basics of SEO.

Also, a professional website developer, is the developer who is able to program sites with clean codes, and is able to understand the necessary settings in hosting and in the site files to make it ready for search engines, and without problems for the user.

Everyone who works in the field of writing and translation for websites

Writing, blogging and translation are among the required fields in the free labor market. To raise your value as a writer or translator in the job market, you need to learn SEO. In fact, there is a wide difference between a good content writer and a good content writer who is also good at writing according to search engine standards.

Everyone who works as a social media specialist

How many times have you used the Google search engine, and a Facebook post appeared as a result of the search results on the first page? If you have knowledge of SEO, you, as a social media specialist, can also write posts that top the search results.

Everyone interested in the field of digital marketing

Digital Marketing is a field with many branches and disciplines, and one of the most important of these disciplines is SEO, which is to specialize in search engine optimization. It is worth noting here that understanding SEO (at least the basics) is extremely important for those working in any of the other disciplines.

Everyone seeks to learn and understand something new

As is our habit of Bibo tik, we take into account the ease and simplicity of the topics, so we start from the basics and gradually work together to make even the novice and the non-specialist have a deep understanding of the topic we are addressing.

Note: We only support legitimate methods of marketing in Bibo tik, so this guide is about SEO by Sharia and legal methods. As long as you can access your site for the first page and the first result by legitimate methods as we did, so you do not need more than that.