How to take advantage of online blogging

How to take advantage of online blogging

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How to take advantage of online blogging


Profit from blogging is one of the most important and famous ways to profit from the Internet , and through it many  youths make excellent profits. Also, profit from blogging is a very flexible field, and it has many sub-paths that you can rely on any of them to make profits.

In this article, we will talk about how to profit from blogging in practical steps, in detail, so that you can have a clear map that you can rely on to start blogging and make a good profit from it ... Let's get started.

Steps to profit from blogging

1. Determine which method of profit from blogging you will rely on first

One of the most common mistakes that many beginners make in the blogging world is not selecting a profit method, or not focusing on one style at the beginning.

This is why you see many of these beginners either stop writing completely because he does not make any income, or he gave up and started writing in fields he does not like just to get any money from blogging.

There are many ways to profit from writing on the Internet such as:

  • Profit from ads.
  • Profit from self-employment.
  • Profit from writing on paid publishing platforms.
  • Profit from affiliate marketing.
  • Profit from selling digital products.
  • Profit by selling services.
Some people do not like the freelance method, and there are others who do not prefer to rely on profit from ads because this method may take some time.

This is why I want you to take your time thinking about this step, and then choose one way to focus on and verify it for a good amount of money, and then add another method that you depend on in profit.

And after you achieved success in the second method, add a third method and so on ... This is the correct method that I and others followed, and with this you took the first step in order to achieve good profits from blogging.

2. Select the field (Niche) in which you will specialize

Choosing a niche is one of the most important keys to profit from blogging that you have to own, but you must understand its meaning and its different types well.

The intention here in this step is to define a specific field or industry that you write about, such as writing about food, about marketing, about health, and other industries.

The secret here in choosing a specific industry is your passions and interests, because you will not succeed as a writer until you write about what you love and know more about than the reader, and thus profit from blogging.

Believe me, this step is very important, as many beginners in the world of profit from blogging find them writing about anything and everything, and for this they do not achieve any success.

3. Make sure of the profitability of your niche

This step complements the previous one, after you chose Niche based on your passion ... you must make sure of its profitability and the demand for it in the market

This is done by one of the following methods:

1. Are there a good number of websites specialized in the niche that you have chosen, so the higher this number, the more this indicates that there is a demand for this type of articles in the market? This method is suitable if you will be relying on ads or freelancing to profit from blogging.

2. When you search for the main topics in your niche on Google, do you find ads in the search results? If you find more than one ad, this means that there is competition, companies, sites and service owners willing to pay money to win new customers. This means that they are willing to pay money for good content that helps them make profits, this method is well suited for those interested in freelance work.

3. Are there multiple affiliate programs in your niche? You can search directly on Google for affiliate marketing programs in your field, or on the sites of major companies and services, or in the large blogs in your field. If you do not find it, then this means that affiliate marketing may not be suitable for profit from the niche you have chosen, or perhaps the niche is not very profitable.

There are some areas and interests that are more profitable than others, for example, health niche with all its subjects is one of the most profitable areas, and specializing in it is a wonderful thing, unlike, for example, specializing in the football niche, which does not have great profit opportunities, especially for beginners.

I do not want you to understand this step wrongly, because I always say, " Any passion or interest can be a source of income for you on the Internet, " but I understand the goal that you are seeking.

You want to achieve income as quickly as possible, and for this I advise you to choose a niche that is rich in opportunities and profit methods in order to reach your goal quickly, and for this I made sure to put this step in front of you.

4. Understand your audience well

The difference between any successful blogger and others is understanding the audience ... Understanding the audience means knowing all possible information about the specific category of people that each piece of content you write addresses.

What is meant by the information here is:

  • The problems that this audience suffers from.
  • Desires and goals that this audience wants to fulfill.
  • Educational level.
  • Social status.
  • Occupation.
  • Interests and habits.
  • The language this class speaks.
For example, I know that I am writing this article for those interested in writing from beginners, and they are often university students who start their working lives on the Internet, because this is the most searching category for these subjects online.

You must specify the category that you are addressing with your content, and if the niche you chose is the people niche (you will understand the meaning of this term if you read the article that you referred to earlier ), your task will be easier.

Always remember that each piece of content addresses a specific audience, so you are not going to write a post to address all people on the Internet.

5. Determine the blogging platforms you will rely on

There are many blogging platforms on which you can post and profit from your blog posts, such as:

  • Social media sites
  • Your own site
  • Medium platform
  • Blogger platform
 and I also advise you to rely on more than one blogging platform ... especially in the beginning so that you have a name and an audience, and also so that you get the largest amount of evaluation and reactions to the content you provide.

6. Don't just know the rules of SEO

Most of the content on the Internet that talks about how to profit from blogging you can find Maktoob (you have to write content according to the rules of SEO), but I think that this is not enough.

You must be proficient with the SEO skill, as it is one of the most important marketing skills you need to enlarge your brand and marketing to every word you write.

This is why it will not only help you to learn what is on-page SEO or how to write headlines to increase the CTR of your articles and other basic information.

My most important advice is to have a website for yourself, and start testing for yourself everything you learned about SEO on your site, or ask the customers you deal with for the results of the content you wrote so that you learn from the analyzes and numbers.

7. Keep up with everything new in your area

Not a week goes by and I don't follow sites like TechCrunch, Indiehackers, Smashing Magazine,, and other sites, groups and Discord servers that specialize in the fields I'm interested in.

Do you do the same in your field? If I ask you about the best bloggers you follow, will you have an answer? If I asked you about the newest studies, research and information in your field, would I find you an answer?

Any good blogger is also someone who is educated, informed, and a good reader, so I search for the most famous sites and influencers in your field and follow them constantly.

8. Write every day

You must write every day, you should not stop your hand from writing on the keyboard or from using the pen every day, as these are among the most important conditions for success in the world of blogging ... even if you will only write for 20 minutes.

The most important thing is to write constantly ... Write anything, even if it is just a summary of all the new that you have seen, try yourself and you will see the difference in the accuracy and speed of your writing and the ease of formulating your ideas with time.

9. Beware of distractions

Writing is a creative work that requires focus and deep depth so that you can collect your ideas and formulate them in a simple and attractive way, so you have to distance yourself from anything that stops you from writing.

The time you devote to writing should be for writing only, for this you should:
  • Leave your phone away while you type.
  • Dedicate a specific place to write in order to train your mind to focus and pay attention to the work in front of you.
  • Not to do anything like responding to e-mails, opening communication sites, or other distracting activities, unless this is part of the research process before writing.
Remember that every second of your time you spend cannot take it back, so you must learn how to organize your time well

10. Improve your writing style constantly

How do you write your posts?

  • Do you write all the ideas you have first and then start researching?
  • Or do you start searching and exploring the topic you are writing about and then start writing?
  • Do you write the introduction first, or after you finish the article itself?
  • How do you search? Are you just looking at competitors or popular blogs in your industry or what?
  • When was the last time you changed the way you wrote headlines?
  • Do you prefer your voice to be personal, directed as if you are speaking to the reader face to face, or would you prefer another method?
I think you understood what I mean from the previous questions. Any successful blogger who seeks success and profit from blogging ... is constantly changing his style.

Here are some ways to help you develop your style:

1. Search carefully for the old articles of the bloggers you follow, compare them with the new articles and ask yourself; What has changed?

2. When you read any article online, ask yourself after you finish it (why did you finish reading? Why was the article amusing, interesting and useful, which made you not leave it and look for others?) And also if you find yourself in front of an article and do not want to finish it ... Ask yourself why, this method in The analysis will help you understand the different styles of writing, and thus, constantly develop your own.

3. Review your old articles and try to amend and develop them ... in this way, you learn from your previous mistakes.

4. Try to search for an expert person or someone you work with to review your articles, and give you his notes so that you can use them to learn from your mistakes and develop your style.

5. Look carefully at the numbers, data and the volume of interaction with your articles, as they are a good indication of the quality of what you write.

11. Depend on other methods to profit from blogging (unconventional methods)

To be successful in any creative field, you must think outside the box, and this applies to writing or profiting from blogging in general ... Let me give you some examples.

One time I was watching a video of a content creator that I constantly followed on YouTube, and I had a good idea for a video, so I drafted it in the form of a complete and detailed article.

After that, I drafted this article in the form of a script suitable for use on YouTube to make a good video, and then I sent it to him ... The result was that he used it in one of his videos and I got very good money.

Since that time, we have been cooperating together periodically, so why not do you too ?! Why not look for different and new ways to profit from your blogging and written content creation skills.

Think a little bit of everything around you, and try to exploit the opportunities that appear in front of you, and learn all that is new until you open yourself to new doors, for example , you can learn the type of marketing or advertising Copywriting , and other skills needed in the market.

As I told you before, learning, development and openness to the market is your only way to achieve continuous success and income that satisfies you, and with that, you make a good profit from blogging.

In the end, I wish you success in your journey in the world of blogging, and I want you to never hesitate to leave any question or inquiry you have in the comments and we will answer you as soon as possible.